Friday, October 19, 2007

Everbody iz a victim

Yew knowd, I have been accused of writin, directin and starrin in a soap operie. Well, it jest ends here concernin southern Concho Co. The whole reason I ever got on the dang Koran of Sixmanfootball wuz to counteract the woe iz me victim playin goin on. Yew knowd, I iz well acquainted with playin the victim myself. I done did it fer bout three years. Sittin and lookin out the winder and feelin sorry for myself. Jest thinkin bout it makes me wanna throw up rite now. Poor ole Goob, the whole world iz gainst me. Last year they wuz all the playin the victim thang and it jest makes me sick. Thiz whole dang country duz. People, life iz hard and when yew finally figger that out and quit yur dang whinin yew will be a heck of alot better off. Did yew hear any whinin from El Paso or Happy Hill or Veribest. Nope, not a whimper. So I iz done with southern Concho Co. They reely ain't worth mentionin cuz they iz too busy bein victimized.

1 comment:

javadog22 said...

OK goob,
You and I have not always seen eye to eye but I am with you 100% on this one. I am sick of people playing the "victim" card. It is high time folks start nuttin' up and take repsonsibility for their own actions and deal with what life throws at them without blaming someone else. I was at that Veribest vs. Richland Springs game. And while I have already written about how impressed I was with the Richland Springs crew - coaches, players, etc. I am equally impressed with the character of the Veribest crew. They took defeat with class.

This does not mean you and I have to hug and buy curtains together but my hat is off to you for this post.