Saturday, October 20, 2007


Well, we have done got our first non-human player of the week. Thiz here lil feller deserves it cuz he has more courage than any lil thang I ever did see. Jest after TE done throwed a TD pass he come off the field a shakin hiz head and squirtin water in hiz ear and sorta doin an old skool break dance without rollin round on the ground. Whut happened? Well, yur Boat Oar Player of the Week had done flown rite into hiz ear. I don't knowd whut kind of bug it wuz, but after a valiant struggle he must have either drownd or been knocked out after TE done hit one of them Brookesmith fellers. I don't the creedentials either of the bug. I don't knowd if he wuz D1 material or even if he played in high skool or church skool, course he cud have been home skooled cuz he didn't have the good sense to stay outta ole TE's earhole.

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